The varied uses of mobile devices: replacement for analog issues

I’ve been working on this post for weeks, but my portfolio has taken up much of my time. This will be very brief, as I just wanted to share Eric Schmidt’s thoughts on mobile devices and their uses for LIS. At 6 minutes and 15 seconds into his keynote, he mentions this little tidbit below:… Continue reading The varied uses of mobile devices: replacement for analog issues

Hathaway, Hathaway, Hathaway

There’s something funny about the fact that popular stars fan a have some kind of effect on real world things, like the stock market or page views. The Hathaway effect isn’t the first documented, but for me, it’s the most interesting. I’ll discuss the Hathaway effect later, but let’s look at some of its antecedents… Continue reading Hathaway, Hathaway, Hathaway


See what I did there? I referenced a poor excuse for a musical track by a washed up backup dancer to introduce something TOTALLY wicked awesome. For those unfamiliar with the idea of a POPOS, it’s an acronym standing for Privately Owned Public Open Spaces. Essentially, what they are places around the downtown San Francisco area which the… Continue reading POPOS-zao

Connecting our ideas through physical hyper-links

There is a beauty to visualizing connections. I sometimes daydream and think of how things are connected and how they flow from one to the other. However, my daydreams have nothing on this book. This artist has created a book in which we can trace the connections between words and ideas through a physical thread.… Continue reading Connecting our ideas through physical hyper-links

Captain Fight Club

I’ve never seen the entirety of Captain Ron until tonight. While for some people it brings back fond memories, I can’t say it really made an impression on me. That is, until the end. When Captain Ron disappears from sight, I was immediately hit by the realization that this was a PG-13, years ahead version… Continue reading Captain Fight Club