I’d love to think that, as a country, the United States can be innovative when it comes to library land. We have a relatively tech-savvy population, a large population with high literacy rates, and the Library of Congress (the best kind of subject classification EVER). However, it would appear that we are still behind the… Continue reading Who should digitize?
Ode to Pen and Paper
I can’t remember a time in the past 27 years of my life (am I really 27 years old now…damn) when I have ever written a letter to someone. I don’t count those letters we write in school to fake people. I mean, letters that I have actually sat down, pulled out pen and paper,… Continue reading Ode to Pen and Paper
How Can We Fix Our Broken Reality?
I’m currently reading what I think just might be my favorite book of the year: Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal. It’s about how game designers can change the world for the better – using elements of game design they have used throughout the years. I’ve been a big proponent for the ideas of games… Continue reading How Can We Fix Our Broken Reality?
I don’t want to see your face(book) again
I have no issues with my ex (Hi you!) so this doesn’t really affect me much. However, I figure this could be useful for a lot of people. The link at the bottom leads to an app that will block all images and instances of your ex from showing up. I could understand why people… Continue reading I don’t want to see your face(book) again
Times New Roman is so boring!
I’m not a designer, but I do know plenty of them. Being within their circle has kind of inspired me in terms of my design ideology (in the future, this will have a link to my design ideology paper that I wrote in one of my classes – for now, it leads nowhere). I’m also… Continue reading Times New Roman is so boring!
LIFE on US Cities – 60’s edition
I was chatting with a friend when I saw he had a bookmark for a Life magazine special on American cities. Being the good librarian that I am, I had to look it up myself. I remembered that the entirety (or nearly all of it) is available in Google Books. So here it is. I… Continue reading LIFE on US Cities – 60’s edition
On the masculinity of heroes
Superhero shows always get me. From the animated to the live action, they’ve always held a special place in my heart. Whenever a new one is being discussed, I always make sure to give the pilot a chance. I immediately fell in love with Heroes when it started, but became severely disappointed by the end… Continue reading On the masculinity of heroes
On the digital hereafter
I suppose I’ve always been kind of morbid. I have an interest in the reasons behind suicide and I’ve pondered what happens to our digital lives after we have passed away. When I found out about this program at Hood College studying Thanatology, I considered applying for it. The idea behind the program is to train people to deal with… Continue reading On the digital hereafter
Would you use a service named after a “meme”?
I love the concept of memes. For those who don’t understand or know what a meme is, here is a quick crash course. Just as a gene is a small, self contained source of information that is passed on from generation to generation, a meme is a self contained source of information in a cultural sense. A… Continue reading Would you use a service named after a “meme”?
If I were a CSI, this is what I’d want to do
Let me preface this post by saying that CSI: Las Vegas may be one of my favorite shows (losing only to Lost and Alias). Especially the earlier season, the cast had such a great working dynamic that I enjoyed not just ONE character but the entire ensemble. They just seemed to work so well together… Continue reading If I were a CSI, this is what I’d want to do