Internet Librarian (#il2012) is easily my most favorite conference. I always learn something new, meet someone new, and get the chance to share new things going on with me with the library community. It was a crazy, whirlwind week, with two conferences within two weeks. I’ll use that as an excuse for the delay in my rundown of #il2012. My review process is as follows: look over my Twitter stream, and retype anything with the hashtag #internetlibrarian or #il2012. I didn’t attend as many sessions on Tuesday, but that’s mainly because I was preparing for mine. I’ll write up a separate post for it when I get the chance.
The bad thing about doing that, is that I don’t quite capture everything. However, for me, #internetlibrarian isn’t about writing down notes, but about being inspired. I’ve organized the notes as follows: web services stuff, ebooks stuff, everything else
Web Services:
Usability and the development of a mobile site for a university library by Danielle Becker of Hunter College.
1) Five guiding principles for usability: solid information architecture, clear navigation systems, strong visual appeal, understandable terminology, user-centered design.
2) Use a think-aloud process when usability testing – allows you to figure out what the user is thinking as they are navigating in real time.
3) It is important to cross link and have multiple access points
4) Design the mobile site to include what the students will use/ask for – database access, catalog access, etc. All depending on survey results
Web Analytics session
1) Eight principles of Information Architecture: Brown.pdf
2) Google Analytics has a lot of power behind it – I should look into it more.
3) Look into click analytics/heatmaps to figure out how best to improve the Library experience
Mobile UX with Roy Degler
1) Students prefer a web interface over a native app when it comes to Library information
2) Look into Foundation and Bootstrap as two frameworks for responsive design
User Research on user research:
1) Amanda Etches looked into how researchers at her university used the tools that were available to them for their research
2) Observation, rather than asking, a better way to gather data when it comes to researching researchers.
3) Sample question: tell us about a research collaboration that was conducted online
4) Another question: Tell us about the tools you use
5) Look into what Virtual Research Environment CSUEB has for it’s researchers
Cross Platform Linking
1) Using an XML file to update hours across all Library websites
2) Look into using Xibo as our digital signage platform
3) Think about using the mTouch table as our digital wayfinding device – interactive maps???
eBooks and Devices:
eBook session from Seattle Public Library
1) Know the target audience for whom you are implementing eBooks
2) Four levels of training for eBooks: getting started guides for patrons, classes for patrons, trainings for staff, practice for staff
3) Getting Started Guides live online – able to update them quickly
4) Provide staff with enough training to answer basic questions for patrons
eReader/Tablet devices in the Library session by CSU Northridge (I need to contact them about this – this was a very informative session
1) There is funding/interest in provide etextbooks in California (we know this as part of CSUEB)
2) Out of the top 13 activities that people do on their Tablet device, 5 of them are school related
3) There are a lot of challenges out there – like technological challenges, market challenges, content challenges, etc.
4) Future problems: Figure out why students aren’t using tablets and ereaders more (beyond the cost of the devices)
Everything else:
Big Data – I wanted to learn more about Big Data and this was a good introductory session on it
1) Five Characteristics of Big Data: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Verification, Value. Librarians have a chance to work with the last two.
2) Cool Big Data Tools to play around with:
Academic Makerspaces with Tod Colegrove
1) Makerspaces as collaborative spaces for work
2) Make incremental chances to increase buy-in
3) The Library has to be open to collaboration with different groups to create pride in ones library
Twitter Backchannel conversations:
1) Why doesn’t our online presence get as much attention as our physical presence?
2) UX is about desire and emotion, Usability is about “does it work right?”
3) Embrace the fact that libraries are hyper-local, yet connected to a shared network
Can’t wait for next year! See you all on the flip side…