Learning too many things at once

I’m really good at signing up for a bunch of things at once and trying to learn multiple things at once.

Just now, I just signed up for a four week course from FlowingData to learn how to work with R and create data visualizations. I’ve been flirting with the idea of signing up for it, it cost 59 bucks, but you also get access to their membership areas and loads of tutorials.

I also just finished my first week of Learn to Speak Korean I on Coursera. Brandon and I took First Step Korean last year, which got us started with hangul and basic words. But now, this course is actually about REAL conversations. so this should be cool.

Am now I’m flirting with the idea of also learning Japanese/kanji, just so that maybe it would be easier to navigate Japan whenever we go…

Let’s see how this goes.

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