Romanticizing the Road

A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook about what sounds like an amazing road trip: Infinite Wanderlust. I immediately got jealous and started thinking of ways that I can go on a road trip sometime.

I’ve always wanted to go on a long road trip, across the country or across different states. The longest I’ve ever driven has been from the Bay Area to Southern California. And trust me, that drive? Not very exciting – full of bland farmland and traffic.

This trip she is taking…just sounds amazing. Cross Country, creating art along the way, exploring the country…man, who wouldn’t want to do that?

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I was just worshiping this idealized concept of the road trip. I’ve been brainwashed by all of those movies in which people travel across the country to search for themselves or for the meaning of life. I’m at this point in my life where I feel just a little lost and unsure about my future, so no wonder I’m feeling like a road trip could be fun and enlightening.

I’ve often told this to my roommate, but I hate the way that I have attached myself to possessions. Having not yet reached the age of 30, I feel like I should be able to fit all of my possessions into the back of my car and move at a moments notice. As it is, I have so much crap, it takes a van to move me. Really much of my stuff is used daily? My iPhone, my laptop and some clothes. This wanderlust…I think it stems from the feeling that I don’t need to be settled yet. That I haven’t really learned about myself.

This is feeling a little too Eat, Pray, Love. All I want to do is travel a bit. I haven’t had that chance in my life to travel. I made plans to go to Europe with my best friend a few years back, but that fell through when I gave it up to help take care of my dad.

Some day I’ll get to do this. Hopefully I won’t be too old to appreciate it.

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