Albums of 2010

I’m currently listening to Robyns Body Talk. It’s such a great pop album. I want to dance to it all day and night, even when out and about in public (i.e I’m dancing to it right now at Starbucks….). Listening to this got me thinking about what some of my favorite albums of 2010 have… Continue reading Albums of 2010

Categorized as Blog, Culture

Fin de Siecle Vienna

One of the best classes I ever took at UCLA was a seminar lead by a German PhD student. I also happened to meet a pretty good friend in that class. The topic was fin de siecle Vienna – turn of the century Vienna. Given that I took it just after the turn of THIS… Continue reading Fin de Siecle Vienna

Modern Masculinity

I don’t really have the correct words to talk about this post. I’ve been pondering it for weeks now and just haven’t come up with what I really want to say about it. I’ll just try to go all stream of consciousness and see whether or not I am able to produce a logical, intelligent… Continue reading Modern Masculinity

Romanticizing the Road

A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook about what sounds like an amazing road trip: Infinite Wanderlust. I immediately got jealous and started thinking of ways that I can go on a road trip sometime. I’ve always wanted to go on a long road trip, across the country or across different states. The longest… Continue reading Romanticizing the Road

Rundown of CLA

CLA was a blast! Especially for a student, it was such a great opportunity to network with professionals! My idea of networking is to act like a goofball so I’m memorable – I walked around Sunday afternoon with my QR code attached to my badge! I even told people to scan me. Here’s a rundown… Continue reading Rundown of CLA

Rundown of Internet Librarian

Internet Librarian was intense. My friend and I left San Jose around 830-845 am and got there a little before 10 am. Not too bad a drive really, and at least we got to talk about our feelings…and stuff. Arriving at Internet Librarian…I could FEEL the nerdiness. It was overwhelmingly AWESOME. I’ll break down the… Continue reading Rundown of Internet Librarian

The uncanny baby valley

I can’t wait for the day when robots and humans will co-exist…or when robots will take over the planet, Matrix-style. Until that time actually occurs, I’m pretty sure we have nothing to worry about because people in general are still scared. There’s this concept in psychology and robotics (I think those are the appropriate fields…)… Continue reading The uncanny baby valley

This is why I Twitter

There’s something to be said about Twitter. Even though many people don’t get it, they know what it is. You may not really understand its purpose, but you know that people out there are using it and what they are doing on it. When I first joined twitter, it was mostly because I thought I… Continue reading This is why I Twitter

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